I personally have never found a great "fake" bag. I have found lower end designers who are "inspired" or produce replica's of higher end designers such as Todd. I will admit to having owned a "fake" coach for all of three days. I went to a shop on Spadina and bought a what I thought was a nice tote - clear to me it wasn't real, but everyone else has a fake coach so I thought why not. Well clearly they bought their fakes where they are better made. After three days -- the handle on mine ripped off - the body of it was fine but the handles had shredded. $40.00 dollars for crap. Maybe other people pay more for the fakes then I did, I have no idea, but I will never do it again.
But having said that I have another friend who has some great fakes that are very hard to tell by just looking at they are not real - they even have dust bags. Once you touch them, yes you can tell if and only if you are a purse freak. Otherwise you are none the wiser.
If I get back to New York one day - it will be my goal to see the store behind the store selections - where you can only be invited to see. Where according to a couple of my friends some of the best "fakes" can be found. There are good ones on street view, but it is the bags in the alleys and behind fake walls that are the major scores. Also, these are the ones that if you are caught with you are fined apparently and they are taken away as they infringe on the designs and copyright laws. Purse fakes are also believed to also funnel money into crime.
So for me, I am a much better with the replica's. Any of you who knows me well, knows that I suck at lying - really bad. It wasn't until a couple of years ago that I realized you couldn't go to jail for over purchasing in the states ( I know dumb - but really did you know it was only because of taxes???) but once I found out all I had to do was tell them I bought however much I bought, and I was declaring everything! Very rarely having to pay more then a few bucks in tax - because really if I lied we would be pulled over anyways!
So declare , pay the taxes and have fun -- cross border designer bags are cheap - shop prime outlets and you can get Kate Spade, Marc Jacobs, BCBG and Coach and many many more - all at cheaper prices. Yes they are made for the factory outlets ( Coach has lines that are only sold in factory stores) , but they are often great deals. I paid $25 dollars for a $100.00 dollar Kate Spade make up bag. Cheaper then some in Shoppers Drug Mart ( this is my favourite store).
However, right now and for the next few weeks - instead of spending your money on a bag - keep your eye on the blog for another chance at a donation for purse purchase right here. - No Fakes here!
Happy Long Weekend All,
Live, Love, Laugh and GIVE
The Purse Junkie no more
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
2 months ago
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