Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Canadian Pride ... glitters with the Olympics .. but is shines on the people

This link showed up on my Facebook page today .. posted by a happy popping friend ( she knows what I mean!)  --  while this is not new to me, it is a fantastic look through the eyes of someone else what it means to be Canadian. - Simply a true canadian company (100% now)  a Tim Horton's commerical that has sparked a few happy thoughts since I saw it once again today.

My Canada ---

My Canada was not always as it is today.  Not so long ago in my childhood it was the small town, skating on the lake in a town where almost everyone did look like me, the image the Canadian life of many before me. Generations of my family had been here by then, but the British and French immigrants from my families far past - still influenced much of what I saw around me -- fish and chip shops (no Thai to be seen) and tourtiere  baking in the oven ( Yummy) .. but that was the 1970's and the world was going on around me. It was evolving and new a new generation of  imigarnts were coming - and not always on the streets were the words welcoming to them. Women where gaining more and more rights ( a battle hard faught by my mother and the mothers of my friends)  There was clashing, there was racisim in Canada , but we as a society were beginning to emerge.

When we moved to the city when I was six years old - I was surrounded by more people just like me.. only now there were others too. And my experiences began to form how I see the world now. I watched as more friends arrived from different places , I learned all about Greek School on Saturdays, and Jewish Hebrew lessons, I learned that there was such a thing as Naan bread and it was yummy! And rice steamed is the best way to eat it right out of the steamer!  I learned that "different" was a cool thing! But it was not all roses and happy smiles, these lessons required an open mind, a global view of the way in which we accept each other and truely open ourselves up to the stories they bring with them, and weave them in among our own.

In the 1980's while visiting my father out west, another influx of immigaration was making news and the landscape of western Canada was begining to change - the Canadian Cowboys, and high powered business types were learning how to get along in a different world to the ones they had been exposed to. This Canada  From the Four Nations to the busy streets of this -  the worlds most multicultural city ( as named by the United Nations).- this evololution this is my Canada.

My Canada -- is a place I am pround to call home
A place where even though it is a struggle -- you are welcome to try and make a life for yourself here
My Cananda allows those that I love to love who ever they want because their heart chooses for them
My Canada will host world Pride .. With Pride!
My Canada will allow us to stumble and make mistakes and say stupid things -- but we will accept our critisims and learn to see your point of view -- even when we don't agree
My Canada celebrates Health and Wellness - making sure we all have access to healthcare - even if we don't think it is the best - it is better then many others have access to
My Canada believes children deserve an education - all children
My Canada belives that I can make a difference in the lives of others -- so they demand my participation in supporting the world through blood donations , cash donations and human scarafice.
My Canada may sparkle in the olympics -- but it shines in the heart of the people who call it home!

Live Love Laugh .. Be pround not only of our athletes but of those who have shaped and formed this country from the experiences they have brought with them.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Making my bed everyday

So I read somewhere in the last little while that it is the little things that can affect your overall happiness in life -- like little accomplishments that make you feel good. Strangly one of the ones listed was - make your bed everyday - no kidding.

Now, I know many people do this -- but for some of us -- getting up, getting the little lady up getting breakfast done, making sure lunches are made, and everyone has what they need before running out the door at 7am  ( without getting up at 3am) is not easy! So I started whipping together the beds as part of my morning routine - The little ladies, and ours. I have been doing this for about three weeks - don't think anyone but me has noticed -- however I do feel like it is one less thing, my house is one less bit messy ( which in a small house is good) and it really doesn' t take all that much time. So, if you like me were a make the bed when I get home kind of person - try doing it right after you get out of it ( before you even leave your bedroom) trust me on this - it makes a difference!

Who knew these little things coould make you feel like you have accomplished something right away and for me that is a better way to start my day.

Other little things that have made me feel good - having the leftovers (extra's from dinners specifically made for this purpose) frozen and ready to go for lunches during the week - this is a huge difference for me - I collect a few days worth in the freezer and I have a week of good choice lunches - little things, make me feel like I am doing good!

What little things do you do that you can share?

Live Laugh Love

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

B is for Book club over at It's gonna be a lovely day .. Girlfriends

Check out this entry - as you all know I am a great fan of anything woman-centric -- this entry reminded me of stories of quilt clubs, stich and bitches ( which once upon a time I participated in) and scrappy clubs.

So today I share a story (not my own) of what can happen when you hook up with some pretty cool chicks - my group of girls we were called swampwenches - we camped, we roadtriped, we laughed we grew up -- what about you? Do you have a circle of girlfriends like the one mentioned in the book club blog?

You will notice that they also did some good for others in their community.

Idea's to get you started:

A blog club
A book Club
A walking meet up
Coffee shop hopper
A Road trip crew
A Spa group
A knitting club
A sewing club
A painting circle

and it goes on and on -- find it, do it -- become the difference in your own life by meeting others who can show you the world as they see it - nothing better then a  friend - near or far!

Live Laugh Love -- Make Friends

Monday, February 22, 2010

Check in - 4 months since I stated goals for 2010

Hey all,

I have noticed a recent decrease in my posting - I think because my thoughts have been busy with keeping up with the little miss! Also I have been working on my five big goals for the year:

Now I wanted to check in with myself and see if I had met some of my goals:

So here there are:

1. Get healthy body, mind, and spirit  - I think I am doing pretty good here - lost 11 pounds ( was 12 - but still good) , exercising my brain a little and spirit well - still working on that one but I am right on track with this goal and proud of it!
2. Outlet for Creativity -so thanks to frequent reader and blogger Faiza - have found a new hobbie called Post crossing - which I have sent and they have recieved 3 postcards ( have also created my own postcard specifically to send - it arrived all printed and  this week from the printer!) - also I have been "picture" journalling once or twice evey couple of weeks with the little lady - we have a book that we draw together in.
3.Try to be happy with the now -- okay - this is actually been easier then I thought - the vaca helped, but I am staying relatively stress free ( could also be the Vitamin B )
4. Expect happiness and not perfection- doing better - but I do get down on myself once in awhile because I have not eaten well on one day.
5. Read ( doing this very well) and Learn - I am trying! and Listen - needs work!

So, 4 months in I am good with me and my goals - how are all of you doing?

To the walking lady - good for you 17 pounds is AMAZING and you look fantastic - Keep it up!  I am adding a new goal to the mix - was planning to nix shopping out of my life - but --- have to work up to complete no shopping - starting with all unnecessary purchases. I have actually decreased this activity HUGE in the past couple of years, a little more tweaking wouldn't hurt though.

To my darling friend in Sudbury - I am still on the shopping *decrease*and plan to enjoy our trip in April!

okay.. so how are all you doing with your goals?

Live Laugh Love

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Oprah is decluttering her clost for a good cause!! --- sounds familiar!

Well look at that, we were ahead by a smidge in what is sure to be a big trend! Can you imagine if we had Oprahs closet?  In the Spirit of that -- we may put a couple bags up in the spring de-clutter ( not that there is many new - I will admit to a couple wallets,oh and a bag from Coach.- but have stayed pretty true to the title of the blog - no longer a purse junkie! - still a bag lover though )

Who wouldn't want a piece of Oprahs closet knowing it is going to benefit her school for Girls in South Africa. Check it out on Ebay or take a look at this months O magazine.

Had to give a good nod in that direction as it was decluttering my closet that started the blog and resulted in some great acts of love from all of you!

Seriously you should see the shoes in this book!

So - here is my new challenge -- and it is big -- I am going to try a no "new" buying binge - yup -- nothing new for me, I will get ready for it and let you know when I will be doing it - thought about the 40 days of lent, but since I am not Catholic - well didn't seem right. (Hubby did ask what I was giving up  - I think a small part of him wants me to be just as much a lapsed Catholic as him!) and so I am thinking on my rules -- looking at the calendar and thinking 2 months of no shopping for me or the house or the kid or the hubby... not a stich of clothes, not extra treats, no movies, no toys no books -- nothing. And it is almost spring cleaning and I prepare to clean house huge -- I don't have as much as most people .. but there seems to be some clutter in the kitchen cupboards and stuff from birthdays gone by that could find a new home..

And because it is rare for me to buy the O magaize .. I was equally surprised to find this quote to add to my collection:

To live content with small means;
to seek elegance rather than luxury
and refinement rather than fashion
to be worthy, not respectable; and
weahty, not rich ; to study hard, think
quietly, talk gently, act
listen to stars and buds, to babes and
sages, with open heart; await occasions,
hurry never... this is my symphony.
- Willimam Henry Channing
On that.. I wish you happy ebaying to those who will venture into her closet, pat on that back to those who have done the same already -- and I will leave you today wondering -- can I do it? Can I give up shopping ?

Live Love Laugh... seek elegance

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sometimes a girl just likes to look at a handsome face

Anyone who knows me - knows I love this man - have since Chasing Amy and Kevin Smith entered my life. (As a huge Kevin fan - he just is not that big that they should have kicked him off a plane - but loving any type of PR he will ride the wave!)

So today --- this very loyal wife (whose hubby is well aware of this crush) is just going to look at this very handsome (to me) man today -- so enjoy--

who is your Hollywood crush? - sad  that mine has been the same for over a decade!

Let me guess -- Johnny? Angelina? ....

Live Love Laugh -- Crush on

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentines / Family Day

I had a lovely weekend with friends and family this past long weekend. Hubby bought me a beautiful pair of earrings ( how did he know?) Any guy that buys you earrings to match your engagement ring is worth spending your valentines day with as far as I am concerned.

So nothing much new - getting back in the groove of things with work and life -- needing to get use to the social life of a four year old. She is asked out on more dates then I ever had as an adult - every weekend it is a birthday or a playdate ( which I am very happy to do) just simply wow.

Dosen't look like there is any  weight gain or loss this week -- which is fine cause I have lost 12 pounds so far!!!  The online point tracker told me to slow down! have recalculated to new point range and I am off to the races.  ( I give them huge credit here - but I was sick so they didn't know)

I recently started tracking my steps every couple of days with a pedometer - with a target of 10,000 steps - I have reached that total a few times - so I may have to up it a little.

Thinking of joining the YMCA ( I know , I know -- but this time I really think I will for the spring)

All is good... I want to try new foods ( not fish or mushrooms) healthy and low in fat, high in fibre - got an idea for me? Send it to me!

Live Love Laugh

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Sorry all my home was invaded with the stomach flu - first taking out the little lady who then won the battle, then hubby - and finally me -- so we are now all on the mend - the two older ones a couple of pounds lighter ( this week weigh in showed I was down an additional 5 pounds - ugh, it was not worth the pain! and will likely return once hydrated again!) hoping a couple was for my efforts at weight loss though!

Well short entry this week - will be back next monday with more :)

Happy Family Day to all of you!

Enjoy yourself

Live Love Laugh - be healthy

Friday, February 5, 2010

Yummy dinner.. and a yummy snack

This with a couple slices of deli ham was dinner --- it was yummy and in total with ham 4 points!! Savoury and Peppery....

rice cakes (butter popcorn flavour)
Fat free philly cream cheese
fresh basil ( this is my favourite)
Fresh chives
a sweet yummy cherry tomatoes
sprinkle of black pepper!!

So good so little points ( three for the entire things as the fat free cream cheese is only .5 points!)

I discovered I like the yogurt parfait with granola last year -- who knew?? Well I have brought them back into my life.. only shock here -- the yummy Cafe kind are made with whole fat yogurt! (very high points!)
Mine made with low fat yogurt ( but with sugar hence higher point value per serving - but it is a big serving) 3/4 cup yogurt and 1/4 cup of granola = 4 points ( this is alot of yogurt) about a full cup of food... could be lower points if you used different yogurt and light or low fat granola ( but why.. full serving this way without any more additional chemicals.)
Best part of these (not the FANTASTIC coffee machine behind I LOVE this present from my sister!!!) but Hubby takes these for breakfast and my daughter likes them -- oh and I sprinkle fibre one on them as well - one container of yogurt and 3/4 cup of granola make 4 take away ziplock containers :)

so there you have it -- a sample of my tiny changes... Share a snack with me, I love to hear what you are eating and what tips you can share.

Live Love Laugh .. EAT

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

the "discomfort" of changing the way we eat

For those of you that know me,  you all know that I have always enjoyed a good meal -- seriously, I am a foodie at heart -- not some fancy foodie - but a good old fashion pot roast , potatoes loving girl. I do like many of the now widely available foods that were once oh so gourmet - but to tell the truth the true over indulgence is always those comfort foods - cheese, crackers, beef roasts, potatoes and pasta -- you know all the Yummy stuff.

So what makes this WW time around different, is I am willing to finally say no to the fat filled gravy, the old fashion cooking with butter and all those sauces - and to begin to look at food - not as a celebration , but as fuel to the body - now it still needs to taste yummy ( life is just to short to eat yucky stuff) but it is time to change what I consider "comfort" - so to honour myself and my family. I have slowly tried making some of those old favourites - differently. for example - on Sunday - instead of making the gravy from the meat drippings in the pan - they got fat free gravy made with onions and low sodium base -- was it as good , no but it saved all of them from too much salt and fat.  Oh and since I stuffed the pork loin roast - that was different too, this time I used veggies and whole wheat couscous. - little changes in the ingredients and big changes in portion sizes - allow me to stay within points and for the "big" Sunday meal - I hope they get use to the changes..

other great swaps I have made ( and all are yummy to me) as I move to world a world of more healthier choices:

Benefiber  - I take this 2 times a day - every day -- my stomach thanks me

Lifesmart pasta ( Sobeys, Food Basics, and Metro) 10g of fibre per serving ! and yummy - though the spagetti one is very good to my taste buds - Hubby needs it cooked a little longer then I like - Little lady LOVES it! -- also a big bonus -- no pasta bloat feeling or that too full just ate too much pasta pain I use to get - it is very filling and I just naturally eat less

Crispy Mini butter popcorn rice cakes - so I will always love the crunch and salt - now only 2 points for 2 and Little Lady loves them too! ( FANTASTIC with low fat cream cheese and tomato and fresh basil)

2% Kraft cheese -- melts well for cooking - fills the cheese need and well while not fat free still much lower then my cheese choices of before.

olive oil - a friend whose father is recovering from triple bi-pass surgery let me know that the cardiologist said olive oil is great - raw not cooked -- so no more frying of the olive oil ( will still roast the veg, but true benefit comes from just a little)  - a little added each day after cooking .

Coffeemate  Liquid - fat free instead of cream

Skim milk - No one in my house drinks anything about skim now, and when really cold it is yummy.

Lifesmart line / blue menu line = lots of yummy choices I just make sure fibre is high and sodium is low :)

While in a perfect world I would eat only organicially grown local food , and no processed food would ever touch my lips - I am just not there yet and don't know if I ever will be. But getting lower sodium, lower fat, higher fiber and better foods in my cupboards is doing wonders for me and I am learning -- creating a new me from the better choices I am making.. the jeans are lose , my hair is shinning and today the confidence is good -- my little girl said my tummy is smaller today, it is a good day.

Live Laugh Love and make the best choices you can

Monday, February 1, 2010

Proud Mama

With great pride I show you the work of my little girl -- who while I was on the phone with my sister tonight, said here mommy look what I did .. Needless to say my sister got the very proud mom moment in her ear and I of course was so very excited and proud well and sappy :)

My little miss who since her fourth birthday in November has been growing leaps and bounds, not only physically but emotionally as well  --- appears to also has the ability to see into the future and draw a skinny me!! Seriously though she did this all on her own with no help from me -- pure parent pride happening here!

On another note, for those of you who read you will have notice a lovely lady who comments on my blog, and has a great blog of her own. Fazia. She did a post awhile back as well as recently on postcrossing - the idea interested me, so today I mailed my first one -- now forever matched with the moment about I too will have a wonderful first post crossing story as Fazia does.

This the post card I sent to Finland today :)

What a great start to the year ... I sense good things coming
Live Love Laugh ... Create your own happiness