I am over the moon, that in a few short weeks I will see my dear friend from Sudbury, who I am very proud of as she goes back to school starting this fall !! This very exciting news means I will see her once a month for the duration of this class. This makes me super happy! As our visits are usually much more spaced out then that. To add to that fantastic news I just found out the possible dates for the fashionable friend from Ireland coming to visit. (Spoiler alert - I have FANTASTIC will power - however plan for binge shopping report after she arrives, I can't help it, I will cave...I will be in the Coach Factory Outlet before she has been here 3 days,.. I will also LOVE every moment of it - I actually will try to do christmas shopping instead of me shopping)
And for the icing on the cake, my hubby has said for his 40th birthday he wants to go skating in Paris with my beautiful little lady and me. So I am crossing my fingers and toes, that he gets the 2 weeks we want to take off, so we can head to Paris, and visit Ireland as well. Budget, Budget, Budget .. no smoking, no bag shopping = maybe Paris in the winter. Just like Claude Monets, "Boulevard des Capucines", 1873.
In the mean time, I am super happy that two of my most dearest friends in the world are both coming to visit, I get to have early morning chats, and shopping bliss all in the same week! Life is good..
So to all of you from me.. enjoy your dear friends today, because aside from family they are what make your world good.
Live, Love, Laugh and GIVE
The Purse Junkie no more
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
2 months ago
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