Friday, October 16, 2009


What a year of change this has been for me and many others in my life. My job includes dealing with the transitions between two changes for others, you would think I would be good with change! I am actually fine with it ( well not all the time )  once I get a handle on how it will impact my life, I will accept it. Let me just give you a little peak into some of the changes that have affected me this year...

  1. Went to Paris ( this was an awesome change of scenary and expectations of our lives for my husband and I - we left the little lady with my sister, and we broadened are life experiences together)
  2. Fashionable Friend moved to Ireland ( this was a huge impact on my daily life, as we worked together, our families played together and we did lots of stuff just the two of us - road trips, shopping and mom stuff etc.)
  3. My mom who was staying  for awhile, moved - this was a great change for her, but we miss her all the time - not to mention all the great dinners, coffee chats and duct tape lunches!
  4. We changed the layout and colours of our entire house - good change here.
  5. I quit smoking - this was tough for me, but it was fantastic and now as I approach the one year mark, I am proud of myself. If you have never smoked, imagine giving up something you do everyday all the time, and then poof - you don't do it anymore. (changes your whole routine in life)
  6. lost twenty pounds before stopping smoking, put 15 back on after giving up the cancer sticks ( new years goal - get it gone for good) This did affect my self esteem - but have learned I must try to give myself (brain) a break on this one for a bit.
  7. Entire job seems to be shifting in what it is I do, this is still in transition - coping but again, once I figure out the vision for the role I will be fine.
  8. De-cluttering my home - this has meant a calmer home is emerging - giving up some of the material trappings - and accepting my cute house in toronto, and not wanting for the bigger and  the better home, just to have a bigger house with more space to put junk I don't need.
  9. The purse junkie no more --- slowly letting go of an image of myself and figuring out the newer me and all the entails - warts and all.
  10. Saying good bye to my grandmother
  11. Travelled to Ireland by myself - as a kid I would fly across Canada every year - but how liberating it was to go on a trip across the atlantic to see my friend and do it all just for me! My own vacation - I liked it.
  12. Watching my baby grow and leave her baby years behind... sharp intake of breath ... this is going to be the biggest adventure of my life. So far - I hate that I don't know what every moment of her day includes, I love that she is so talkative, because in those moments I see a glimpse of her life outside of mine.
Well these may not be big changes to you, and but paired with some of the smaller ones that went on as well I am tired, and looking forward to what is coming next... just need a little resting period first.

What changes have you had this year?

Live love laugh and give

the purse junkie no more

1 comment:

maria said...

1. I have worked really hard at working on getting rid of my huge debt load (which those of you who do know me will know what I have done & how long it has taken).

2, Similar to you, I have being going through my closet and trying to figure out what it is that I need & why I have so much stuff. Given some clothing & shoes to charity. Will probably get rid of some more

3. Taking care of my cat, who got rather sick within the last month and had to be hospitalize. She is now is on a feeding tube which I have to feed her through 3 times a day :( until she starts to eat on her own.

4. Looking into buying a house

5. Hoping to start a family

I know the last two haven't fully happened as of yet but they are big changes that will hopefully take place within the near future