Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday morning snuggles ... Scooby Doo, and the mystery of those supermoms

I never thought I would be one of those moms, who allow their child to watch cartoons, eat processed waffles and zone out to Shaggy and Scooby Doo. I so am that mom. I had every intention of being an englightened mom, with organic food and cotton everything and of  course she would look like the Ralph Lauren babies advertised in the magazines (never sticky). Instead this Sunday it was my morning coffee, me and My Beautiful Little Lady zoned out together watching one of the best cartoons ever made. Likely to be my favourite part of my weekend!

I read books that basically say I am now offically the worse mother, because I have feed her a frozen waffle, (I have paired it with grapes, strawberries, and blueberries, and a side of milk - so I get some bonus points here) I am so jealous of those moms who can keep it all together, never turn on the T.V, work a full time job, and mind their hubbies. All the while shopping for only locally grown organic veggies (that the kids actually eat), preparing whole food meals every night and of course their children are well behaved and bright.(never sleeping in their parents beds, and would never ever hit or bite)

I on the other hand stuggle to keep the dishes done, the house clean and still find some time to feel like I have a little bit of me time (to have a bath that does not include someone else trying to get into the bathroom), hubby time ( poor guy gets less attention then the cat) How the hell do they do it all?  Is it the antidepressants half the world seems to be on or some form of supermom juice available only to those who know someone? Whatever it is, wish I had some.

During the day ahead that includes washing tons of  laundry, trying to be protactive by making a dinner or two ahead for the next week, and washing the dishes ( I do not have a dishwasher, nor do I need or want one .. or maybe that is the secret?) I will look for the "clues" to solve the mystery of the supermom.

In the day I also will do something fun like play Barbies (counter acting the image of superthin princess with messages of she recesues the prince, or  spearheads a company merger)  read a book or two and go for a walk to the park. Hopefully I will paint my toe and fingernails sometime around 8pm just before my weekly "me time" with Eric the Vampire start (Trueblood on HBO) after which I will kiss my husband good night and crash by 10pm.

How is it that in spending time with my daughter who I love beyond reason, provide food and shelter for and meet all her needs ( plus some - according to the over abundance of toys and stuff she has) I can still feel like I am not good enough?? Screw it, I am going to watch tv, bake cookies with sugar, have a BBQ that includes hotdogs and laugh with her today.. tomorrow I will figure out what change is needed so I can "unmask" me as a better mom.

So from my messy house to yours.. have a great love filled day.

Live, Love, Laugh and GIVE

The purse junkie no more.

1 comment:

Sasha said...

I think a mother will always feel like they could be better. I always worry that I'm not doing enough for Jsde.