Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The First bag - goes up on Facebook

So it begins - with the a green Adrienne Vittadini bag - gently used with a few scuff marks - but a great accessory to any wardrobe for a fashionable girl. This was bought just shortly after the The Fashionable Friend moved to Ireland and the direct result of a long standing coveting of her green bag.  I will tell the story of that green bag another time. Needless to say, I no longer need it as I now have said coveted bag and the purple tote! This bag is a little harder to get rid of  then the Spunky intern tote , as it has history, but for $100 dollars in value of a donation (clothing, food or toys) to your local charity and proof of said donation for the blog ( to track the difference my closet contents can make ) I am willing to part with this fantastic bag. As I know two ladies on my facebook page that are interested in my closet contents -  Mom of the worlds greatest Autistic kid and what can only be called the most energetic and marvolous Mom of two very handsome twin boys.. lets see if this one tickles either of their fancy!

So ladies.. the closet door has opened, and I am feeling good..

The purse junkie no more