Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentines / Family Day

I had a lovely weekend with friends and family this past long weekend. Hubby bought me a beautiful pair of earrings ( how did he know?) Any guy that buys you earrings to match your engagement ring is worth spending your valentines day with as far as I am concerned.

So nothing much new - getting back in the groove of things with work and life -- needing to get use to the social life of a four year old. She is asked out on more dates then I ever had as an adult - every weekend it is a birthday or a playdate ( which I am very happy to do) just simply wow.

Dosen't look like there is any  weight gain or loss this week -- which is fine cause I have lost 12 pounds so far!!!  The online point tracker told me to slow down! have recalculated to new point range and I am off to the races.  ( I give them huge credit here - but I was sick so they didn't know)

I recently started tracking my steps every couple of days with a pedometer - with a target of 10,000 steps - I have reached that total a few times - so I may have to up it a little.

Thinking of joining the YMCA ( I know , I know -- but this time I really think I will for the spring)

All is good... I want to try new foods ( not fish or mushrooms) healthy and low in fat, high in fibre - got an idea for me? Send it to me!

Live Love Laugh

1 comment:

Faiza said...

happy day to you!
i'm a ymca member and i absolutely love it. would definitely recommend it!