Thursday, February 18, 2010

Oprah is decluttering her clost for a good cause!! --- sounds familiar!

Well look at that, we were ahead by a smidge in what is sure to be a big trend! Can you imagine if we had Oprahs closet?  In the Spirit of that -- we may put a couple bags up in the spring de-clutter ( not that there is many new - I will admit to a couple wallets,oh and a bag from Coach.- but have stayed pretty true to the title of the blog - no longer a purse junkie! - still a bag lover though )

Who wouldn't want a piece of Oprahs closet knowing it is going to benefit her school for Girls in South Africa. Check it out on Ebay or take a look at this months O magazine.

Had to give a good nod in that direction as it was decluttering my closet that started the blog and resulted in some great acts of love from all of you!

Seriously you should see the shoes in this book!

So - here is my new challenge -- and it is big -- I am going to try a no "new" buying binge - yup -- nothing new for me, I will get ready for it and let you know when I will be doing it - thought about the 40 days of lent, but since I am not Catholic - well didn't seem right. (Hubby did ask what I was giving up  - I think a small part of him wants me to be just as much a lapsed Catholic as him!) and so I am thinking on my rules -- looking at the calendar and thinking 2 months of no shopping for me or the house or the kid or the hubby... not a stich of clothes, not extra treats, no movies, no toys no books -- nothing. And it is almost spring cleaning and I prepare to clean house huge -- I don't have as much as most people .. but there seems to be some clutter in the kitchen cupboards and stuff from birthdays gone by that could find a new home..

And because it is rare for me to buy the O magaize .. I was equally surprised to find this quote to add to my collection:

To live content with small means;
to seek elegance rather than luxury
and refinement rather than fashion
to be worthy, not respectable; and
weahty, not rich ; to study hard, think
quietly, talk gently, act
listen to stars and buds, to babes and
sages, with open heart; await occasions,
hurry never... this is my symphony.
- Willimam Henry Channing
On that.. I wish you happy ebaying to those who will venture into her closet, pat on that back to those who have done the same already -- and I will leave you today wondering -- can I do it? Can I give up shopping ?

Live Love Laugh... seek elegance


Dawne said...

I will take the no shopping challenge with you! As long as we are done by Easter - then maybe we will start again.

Melanie said...

I think that sounds like a plan -- have to get a few birthday gifts for Emma's friends -- but then I think I will be good!

Faiza said...

i know you can do it!